Book a Storyarc Clarity Call

135 - Staying In Your Lane; Destination, Motivation, Patience & Focus!

Season #2

Hello everyone! There are so many things you could do, but what is the thing you should do?

I am here to tell you to pick a path for your business, and stay in it! :)

All of what I do (podcast, social media, etc.) is supplementing my one-on-one story coaching, and take it from me, if you can choose to stay in your lane/focus on one offer, you will experience much more growth, and ultimately have a greater impact on your audience. 

In todayā€™s episode, Iā€™ll be sharing a bit about my own personal experience in regards to staying in oneā€™s lane, plus 4 things (Destination, Motivation, Patience & Focus) to help you get a clear grasp on what you can do to KNOW that you are in the right lane, and then stay there. 

Another episode in the books that I hope you will all enjoy! Please tell me your thoughts, review, rate, &/ share - I appreciate the feedback!

Weā€™re just getting startedā€¦


 >>> FREE Preview of my Make Speaking Magical course here:
>>> Book Your 1:1 Story Coaching Clarity Call here:
Music by Austin Archer >>> here: